Our Formulation Plant

Formulation Plant

Formulation Plant is based on one of the country’s most modern pesticide formulation plant equipped with the state of the art equipment’s and highly trained technical staff. As we have technically sound system therefore all formulated / finished products and material like micro-nutrients, fungicides and herbicides are being thoroughly analyzed.

All packing materials go through a firm quality control procedure before being sent off into production line. This plant has an aggregate capacity of roughly 30 million bottles and 4 million units powder and granule filling. A vast area has been allocated for the packing storage of raw materials. Stores are equipped with automated loading and unloading facilities. Warehouse staff for chemical handling is fully trained. The latest firefighting equipment has also been installed to deal with any uncertain incident. Our approach is to provide safe environmental and working conditions to our valued staff.

All formulations i.e. (granule, powder and liquid formulation) prepared in the most effective way so that they could reach in the hands of end consumer after passing through strong quality assurance system. Patron Group has a prime goal to provide quality products through finest packaging facilities as per international quality standards.

Plant has largest and most advanced system without class capacity of EC, SL, SC, WP, SP, WS, SE, OD, CF, KPP and WDG formulation system along with the micro-nutrients and granules formulations at the same time.

Quality Control Lab

Alhamdulilah! By the grace of ALLAH almighty Patron Group’s Quality Control Laboratory is accredited from PNAC and is included in accredited labs of Pakistan, in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025-2017.

Formulation Plant has advanced & well equipped quality assurance laboratory which comprises of the world’s most modernized and fully automated equipments operated by skillful and professionally trained human resource.